There is a misconception that leaders are born, not created. In reality, leadership qualities evolve through meaningful personal development. Decisiveness, for example, is consistently named as a common trait among top leaders. How can you become more decisive? Like any other skill, you can learn how to be more decisive with mindful practice.
First, it’s important to reflect on the source of indecisiveness. Are you frequently stalled by analysis paralysis? Do you get stuck weighing the pros and cons for smaller decisions? The first step to learning how to be more decisive is reflecting on why.
Mindsets Behind Indecisiveness
Chronic indecisiveness at work or home suggests an underlying negative mindset. These common fear-based mindsets crush the confidence it takes to be more decisive.
Fear of Judgement
Are you a people pleaser? Does the idea of saying “no” and disappointing others fill you with anxiety? Your indecisiveness stems from a fear of judgment.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible to always make everyone happy. Worrying about other people’s opinions slows down your potential. Fear of judgment and disappointment gives others too much control over your life.
Fear of Regret
Making mistakes is part of the human experience. However, some of us dwell on past negative outcomes or feel frightened by the idea of making a bad decision.
At some point, we will all make a wrong decision. Life isn’t about always being right. It’s about learning from our decisions and evolving into better people. Great leaders can turn regrets into valuable lessons.
Fear of Being Yourself
Are you fearful of showing people the real you? Do you suffer from impostor syndrome with constant worries you aren’t as good or qualified as you seem? This mindset hinders you from becoming a more decisive person.
It’s common for people in a new job or relationship to experience this mindset. For example, after a recent promotion, I felt a lot of pressure to prove that I was worthy of my new role. As a result, I was afraid to make even the smallest mistake and show that I didn’t deserve my new position.
After some reflection, I realized that this mindset was holding me back from reaching my full potential. Through intentional practice, I’ve reshaped my expectations to be more realistic.
How To Be More Decisive
Are you ready to challenge yourself and develop your true leadership potential? Follow these four steps to make decisions faster and become a more decisive person.
1. Be Mindful
It takes intention to acknowledge and replace harmful mindsets like the ones above. Spend time in meditation to allow space for honest reflection.
Meditation gives us clarity by blocking out the “noise” of the outside world. You can even turn to meditation when thinking through big decisions.
2. Let Go of Perfection
First, stop waiting for the perfect time or the perfect answer. Second, forgive yourself for the things you regret in your past.
Perfection is a false illusion that delays progress. Right or wrong, each decision leads to a new chance for long-term inner growth. Be honest – you don’t expect perfection from others, so don’t put unfair pressure on yourself to be perfect, either.
3. Get Comfortable Saying No
If you fall victim to the trap of people-pleasing, the word “no” should be your new best friend. Let go of the guilt associated with denying someone else’s request. Learn to trust your own decisions.
If this one is difficult for you, start with small decisions. Set one or two new boundaries in your personal or professional life to start and see how it feels. Teach others to respect your boundaries by sticking to them.
4. Embrace Your Strengths
As you spend time in meditation, think about things that make you feel confident. Focus on what you’re great at rather than what you lack. This helps develop the confidence needed to speak up about big decisions.
Do you find yourself engaged in negative self-talk? These are cognitive distortions, or exaggerated thought patterns not based on fact. You can replace distorted thoughts by acknowledging your strengths. This practice will rewire your brain into a more positive mindset.
With practice, you can learn how to be more decisive. Build the skills you need to be more decisive with small matters first. Good decisions are the result of confidence and mindfulness.
When it comes to making the best decisions, it’s mind over matter. Ready to learn more about unlocking your potential for personal growth? Check out this article next.